
Basel III 🤔🤔🤔 I have the sneaking suspicion that this is related:


and that this is also related: https://twitter.com/s7ephen/status/1696261713698701555

And of course: Blackrock’s “Going Direct” reset.


The BaseI III writeup from PwC is pretty good.

the BIS is changing a buncha rules, like the amount of cash reserves.

This is how the BIS caused the Japanese economic implosion in the 1980’s


This is also a similar trick that Nicholas Biddle (the head of the Second “Central Bank” of America) used to artificially cause a Depression to attempt to force President Jackson into submission



I don’t know much about this stuff, just what I’ve studied a bit over the last few years….but my guess is this:

They’re going to try to trigger something massively disruptive (like a crash), to implement their next phase of plans (CBDC, Going Direct, et al)

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