Rabbi Antelman Thesis

A secret society within Judiasm silently at war with all other Jews and the rest of the World

Rabbi Antelman was Chief Justice of the Rabbinic Supreme Court and he lead the excommunication of Henry Kissinger [1].

He also wrote a book about (what he claims) is a secret sect within Judiasm silently at war with other Jews and all non-Jews… 🧵


If true, Antelman’s thesis unlocks a lot in the last 100+ years of world events.

After the book, I went looking for interviews with this Rabbi. He didnt do much press, but I did find two Jewish scholars (one living in Israel) chatting about Parapolitics and Antelman’s books.

Over my last few years of “deep history” and parapolitics, I never once ran into these tapes.

Here they discuss The Balfour Declaration, Alfred Milner, Meyer Amschel, Cecil Rhodes, Quigley, and the creation of the State of Israel and what has been kept secret about it. 🤯🤯

These two Jewish/Israeli scholars even chat about recent topics: the Arab Spring and how this parapolitically connects to groups like the Club of Rome, Council On Foreign Relations, The UN, and NGOs

the full mp3s are all here btw: archive.org/details/2019ba…

Lastly, this is a slightly longer clip taken from different show.

In under 9 minutes, this Jewish Israeli scholar summarizes Rabbi Antelman’s history of Sabbateanism, and how it’s been influencing World events since the 17th century and largely kept secret.

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