The Columbia Cabal

Columbia pops up A LOT in parapolitics. I started calling the pattern “the Columbia Cabal” in my notes.

For example:

  • Weather Underground
  • FTX founder’s mom (and strategist IMHO) Barabara Fried
  • Cloward & Piven were Columbia professors
  • much more

The “Teacher’s College” at Columbia University, is a major reason the Educational system in the U.S. was infused with specific “ideologies”. It is essentially a “boot camp” for Educational administrators, shooting them out nationwide, for decades.

I see people mention Cloward/Piven more recently. But dont mention it all started with their 1966 “The Weight of the Poor” article in The Nation.

(yes, the 1960s…AGAIN… yet another thing that links back to unaddressed “technical debt” from the 60s)

One of the first domestic terrorist groups: M19 was Columbia (Barnard) students

They also had overlap with Weather Underground and some other groups.

I have a buncha other examples like this.

All linking to Columbia, but I’ll stop here.

I’m sure you can already start to see a pattern emerging.

The pattern expands even more when you trace the other social links.

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