The Minnesota Flag & The Importance of Symbology

There is a bit of political controversy about the Minnesota flag changing. Some claim the 8-point star is “Islamist”.

The Eight-point star is actually more commonly known as the Babylonian (🚨) Star of Ishtar.…

People might think that analysis of various “symbols” is a fool’s errand.

but Flags exist ENTIRELY to brandish “Heraldry” which is symbology & semiotics

After a few days quietly strolling The Louvre or Musee D’orsay it becomes GLARINGLY obvious that these “symbols” are “gangsigns”

My go-to modern semiotics example:

The TV Show “Dexter”, about a serial killer that kills only “bad guys”

I haven’t seen the show (so I’m not sure if it’s mentioned), but I believe it was named as a reference to Heraldry. Dexter is the “honorable” side.

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