H.G. Wells

We are FORCE-fed H.G. Wells in the public-school panoply of “important literature”: “War of the Worlds”, “The Time Machine”, “The Invisible Man”, etc….

But there’s one we never hear anything about…

The Open Conspiracy

“The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution”

After reading it, I realized I’m definitely not on this guy’s “team”.

Although it does have some good nuggets…

…at about halfway through, it takes a turn and we see the seeds (i.e. plans) of what we’re watching blossom all around us today

Let’s take a closer look at it.

“Hunting the truth is an art”

Me: nods in agreement

“The world can not be run by a minority of escaped minds alone, with the rest of the [horde] against them.”

wow, yup, totally!

and “escaped minds”? I really like that!

  • “No Utopia is now Conceivable”

  • “….these are the jailers of human freedom and achievement”

Me: nods “yup”

He doesnt get going on his “plans” until Chapter 10. This is where things begin to turn.

The whole chapter is valuable tho cuz it really delineates the difference (and nuance) between “Globalist”-thought and stuff like “Marxism”/“Communism”.

There are overlaps tho for sure.

whoa there buddy: “patriotic virus”?

ok yea now he’s warmed up.

mask off.

LOL. After disparaging citizens and “normies” for a chapter, he then placates the Bankers and Financeers: saying that their intelligence and traditions would have them naturally agree with him and align toward the Open Conspiracy.🙄

Is he…is he suggesting a subversive and “stochastic revolution?”

…yes. yes I think he is.

Where have we heard this before?

And then a chapter or so later. POW.


A “world directorate” 🤣

I understand the danger of the close-minded kind of patriotism that bends toward tribalism and xenophobia. But he COMPLETELY disregards the more common kind of patriotism: the kind where people are mostly proud-of (and content-with) their “home” and seek to preserve and improve it

He completely overlooks that this kind of patriotism can actually be a “peace preserving” and stabilizing force.

People who like their lives are less likely to disturb the peace and march off to war.


Not to Mr. Wells!

He is advocating for a state of perpetual discontent.

But wouldn’t a perpetually discontent population be bad for his “New World” also?

When would it end?

He regularly disregards logical conclusions like this.

If you make the population irrationally discontent, they will never NOT be discontent, even after your silly “New World Order” is established.

It would be a state of perpetual revolution.

Throughout the book, nestled between insidiously transhumanist or borderline-authoritarian and eugenicist tactics are idyllic bits like this:

He supports intermingling of cultures for their unique “richness”.

Which is good.

But then he completely neglects to address that the “uniqueness” and “richness” of culture comes from their DISTINCTION from other cultures.

Italian food is not Somalian food because it is UNIQUELY different.

And although “patriotism” is a “virus” (according to him)

He completely neglects that in its purest form, “patriotism” is just the desire to PRESERVE this uniqueness that he claims is so important.

It makes no sense.

His writing is rife with these logical contradictions.

It’s intellectually insulting.

Here’s another one:

He abhors the “imperialist” and “war-focused” nature of patriotism (which he says is rampant in the West) but then advocates using the same tactics to FORCE other nations into his “Open Conspiracy”.

These kinds of oversights/contradictions were on almost every page.

He abhors the use of propaganda for stoking national pride or cultural preservation, but extols the use of propaganda for evangelizing his “Open Conspiracy”.

What’s this?

Russia and China are the best “home” for the “Open Conspiracy” you say????? 🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐


dont forget that this guy was a member of the Theosophy cult.


And all his theosophy buddies: World leaders and big-thinkers like Bertrand Russell wrote glowingly about his “Open Conspiracy”.

You can see how it truly was a blueprint for a certain “faction” of elites at the early turn of the century.

As I said, the book had its moments. IMHO the most valuable thing is that it helps you understand the underlying mindset of a specific “faction” at work today

A more defined “THEY”

I fear their philosophy and World plans (much like this book) will start nice and then take a really dark turn.

P.S. I intended to end this thread with the Kanye West “who is they though” meme.

but apparently amid all its popularity (You see it sarcastically in comments all over the web)

…popular search engines STILL cant manage to find it


The “Open Conspiracy” is CLEARLY already here.

lol. we’re so f*cked.

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