permeate every aspect of our lives
“the methodologies of psychological operations have come to permeate every aspect of our lives”
Richard Thieme interviewed in 2008 short film made by Susanne Treister
Free full doc here:
Interesting clips from it are shared in this 🧵
(He talks a bit about his overlap with the hacker community)
A lot of the "deep politics" and "hidden history" that we see currently being unveiled on the World stage… was neatly summarized a while back in the "obscure" museum exhibits of Suzanne Treister
— Stephen A. Ridley (@s7ephen) May 1, 2024
cyberwar, mindwar, AI, The 60's, etc … it's all there
“freedom of speech is a wonderful invention, it is a bleeder valve to get rid of dissent in a relatively harmless way. BUT if freedom of speech mobilizes people so that their concerns become actionable, then things begin to happen”
I was proud of my little "60s psyop/Jonestown" thread.
— Stephen A. Ridley (@s7ephen) April 19, 2024
..but a few weeks ago, I stumbled on an old EIR article that does it better.
(EIR is a goldmine:
“Science Fiction is how a technological society ‘dreams’ of it’s own real future.”
“Mindwar sounds like conspiracy theory. [but] OF COURSE war in a global society is going to be fought for the mind.”
Maybe Colonel Aquino was right when he wrote in "Mindwar" that it is better to use psychological warfare than to use traditional warfare.
— Stephen A. Ridley (@s7ephen) December 14, 2023
Maybe it IS better to wage war in such a way that people dont even know it is happening
but if you can do that you can also enslave them.
“The [mind] weaponry we are discussing is….powerful”
“who made the decision to [mass medicate] society to keep them mellow?”
In 2016 Adam Curtis (BBC) released a revealing documentary called "Hypernormalization". Covers everything from Russia to 9/11. Rare perspective. Eye-opening. The full film is free on youtube and
— Stephen A. Ridley (@s7ephen) March 27, 2023
Here is the segment on Blackrock's Aladdin. the "system"…
“i asked a historian at the National Security Agency at a meeting once: ‘What is it that you and I can discuss with any sense that we share a common history?’ He said: ‘anything up until 1945’.”
Near the end of his life Secretary of Defense McNamara began to publicly admit that Tonkin never happened.
— Stephen A. Ridley (@s7ephen) September 11, 2023
Don't believe me? It's at George Washington University's National Security Archives
And the U.S. Naval Institute:
See Also:
“LSD was a direct explicit invention of the CIA because they were looking at mind-control technologies”
There's more on all of this in the Sidney Gottlieb book also
— Stephen A. Ridley (@s7ephen) June 29, 2023
“the levels of reality are nested as they come to us now. you can accept what is presented to you at face value or you can go a little deeper”
Here is another Netflix film predicting a major disaster. It was also filmed in a nearby town.
— Stephen A. Ridley (@s7ephen) December 12, 2023
Fun Fact: Netflix was founded by Reed Hastings & Marc Bernays. Marc is grand-nephew of Edward Bernays: The Father of American propaganda. Edward is nephew of Sigmund Freud.
“if an organization comes-into-being that purports to defend the population against these evil-doers, my first suspicion is that the evil-doers have created this subterfuge to gather ‘real birds in digital cages’ …”
In each major war, a new tech is revealed and/or used to devastating effect.
— Stephen A. Ridley (@s7ephen) May 10, 2023
WW1 it was "flight".
WW2 it was the surprise of nukes.
What if warfare has evolved so much that it now results in "quiet wars" with silent weapons such that people don't even know war is being waged.
“Mindwars are more subtle [forms of war]. Public Relations, Propaganda, Psyops, what else is that other than the manipulation of memory”
NATO paper: "Cognitive Warfare, a Battle for the Brain"
— Stephen A. Ridley (@s7ephen) December 14, 2023
“[all this] means there are increasingly fewer people you can discuss in depth and detail the truth of what it is you’re discovering…most people accept the consensus reality because it’s easier and enables them to carry on with their lives”
amen to that.